
Sunday, June 10, 2018

4 Oil Change Facts That You Did not Know

Car oil change is not a trivial matter. Errors in choosing or when changing oil can be fatal later on to the machine. An understanding of oil is necessary when you have a vehicle. Here are 4 oil change facts that you must understand.

Often Get Crashed Make Quick Oil Change

Traffic jams of big cities

There is a term of stress or it has been damaged. This means that oil performance has also decreased in running the function. But is it true that often get hit by oil should be replaced more often? "I think that's true, because the engine lives on without a moving odometer, one of which is the more heat factor the engine gets, the hotter the temperature, the shorter the oil life, every 10 degrees increase, the shorter the oil gets half its age," said Agung Prabowo as Technical Specialist of PT Pertamina Lubricant during the presentation at the Myth & Facts about BBM & Lubricant event in Bogor (26/3). In essence, oil change is done when the oil is stressed and the congestion of extreme streets so one of the causes of fast oil stress.

Often Replace Oil Brand No Problem

Changing in oil brand selection does not pose a problem. As long as the type of oil is suitable and the same, including the specifications and the SAE is the same, changing the brand is very safe. "If the same type of oil, as well as the specifications, it does not matter.While the same base, although different brands, there is no problem," said Agung.
Noteworthy, according to the Supreme, not to be mixed between mineral oil with a fully synthetic. Because there is an incompatible additive between the two. So if you want to switch to a full synthetic oil, make sure flushing or draining thoroughly on the machine for old oil scrap is not left anymore. Vice versa. In addition, make sure the age of oil is still fairly new when choosing full synthetic. Age 3 - 6 months on display at the store is a timeframe that is still acceptable. Not recommended to buy it.

Color Changes Are Not Indicators Changing Oil

The more oil work gets damaged. The color also changed to be more concentrated. Naturally, because the color change becomes an indication that the oil works well to bind small particles to avoid settling. That's in line with one of the oil functions, ie cleaning. So the change of oil color alone can not be a benchmark as an indicator of the time of oil change. "Good oil brings more dirt, just look at the filter alone, it does not take long, three days (since replace) is enough," said Agung.

No Oil Required Every 10,000 km

Assumption that the oil should be replaced after 10,000 km is wrong. Indeed, each car manufacturer gives a reference to change the oil based on time or distance of use. But a distance of 10,000 km is not required to change the oil. Replacing oil is still done because the oil has been stressful and not working properly. So if you want to refer to the distance, it should follow the recommended by the manufacturer.

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