
Friday, June 8, 2018

5 Predictions of the Future - The World is Completely Changed

Like weather forecasts, the future also has its own forecasts. These predictors are called futurists - as well as guitarists, or pianists. 
According to the futurists, the world will experience a drastic change in technology. What will the world look like in the future?

1. Living in Outer Space

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Astronomer Carl Sagan with Viking Lander in landing surveillance for Mars | Source: en.wikipedia.org
Ever since becoming famous with cosmonaut and traveling to the moon by Neil Armstrong, life in outer space began to transform from a possibility to reality. Lately, space travel has become a trend of technological development - with the launch of Curiosity Rover to Mars , and the plan to launch the world's strongest space rocket Space Launch System in 2017.

Imagine if in an elevator, the buttons you are picking are not taking you to another floor, but another planet. According to scientists, this will be true about 40-50 years. (Source: Space Elevator )

2. Super Small Computer

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Chip DARPA-TIMU which is only a quarter of American coins | Source: wikimedia.org
Did you know that giant technology companies like Intel, have their own divisions to predict future technologies?
As we know, in the 1940s, computers began from large metal boxes. But now, computers can be handheld - yes, the smartphone that we use everyday it is a form of development of the computer that used to be our body, of course, with the adjustment of functions and resource needs.

An Intel founder, Gordon E. Moore, once predicted that every 2 years, the number of transistors on a computer chip will double in size - in other words, the computer gets smaller by half every 2 years.

3. Data Privacy

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Data privacy is the current concern | Source: pixabay.com

Perhaps this is one of the most feared things in the future. Often we do not realize that the data (photos, videos, documents) that we upload to the internet that we can not fully control. With increasingly clever search engines like Google increasingly able to present what people are looking for - our privacy may one day be on the threshold, where all information can be bought.

4. Neurohacking

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Expression of artist Nevit Dilmen about brainwaves when we think | Source: commons.wikimedia.org
Almost the same as the data privacy issue above, neurohacking is also a major privacy issue in the future. Translating the electrical impulses that are in our brain into expressions that can be known to others is a thing that is being developed. In the meantime, let's imagine for a moment what else we can keep secret - if privacy data can be bought, and the mind can be read.

Scientists in California and Berkeley are developing ways to read one's mind. A few years ago, maybe its development could be in doubt - but now, its development is very fast. How Stuff Works website has even explained the workings of the brain in a simple and understandable way.

5. Online Sense Performance

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Protests in the future can be very dangerous Source: wikimedia.org
Before the 21st century, the younger generation had never become so connected with each other through long distance communication. Although it looks positive, it could have a bigger negative impact. With the current behavior of the rebellious young generation, and the high spread of free sex, someday - there may come a time when the number of unemployed people explodes. At that time, there could be rebellions everywhere, online and offline. And it could be that this online rebellion would be a hacker that would be hard to stop.

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