
Tuesday, June 5, 2018

8 New SEO Factors Affecting SERP Rankings in the Year 2018

8 New SEO Factors Affecting SERP Ranking in the Year 2018 - For you practitioners and non-practitioners in the field of digital marketing, it is imperative for you to have knowledge about SEO. This is because SEO is one opportunity to showcase your business or business in the digital world.
The digital world is always growing rapidly and we are now in it enjoying it and using it. Nowadays even people are more comfortable looking for information via smartphone compared to computer / desktop.
Back to the issue of SEO, (If you do not already know what SEO is, please read here about, what is SEO ). There are many changes in the algaritma of Google search engine, every SEO strategy you do in 2017 may now be no longer the same with the SEO strategy in 2018.

SEO factors in 2018

Therefore, is there a way to secure SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) and get a better ranking this year? Let's talk about it now.

HTTPS / SSL Certification

According to Ranking Factor 2.0 , 65% Highly ranked websites in the top three of SERP are websites that have SSL / HTTPS installed on keywords with high search volume.
HTTPS is a new benchmark in building a trust in the virtual world. Search engines like Google prefer to show websites that have been installed SSL or HTTPS because the web has provided a guarantee of data security for users who visit the website.
Therefore, by switching to HTTPS you can directly increase the ranking factor (SERP) of your website in 2018, and the reverse if you ignore this you may be kicked off page 1 of Google for keywords that have been indexed.
Little information for you to know that your site loading speed will increase slightly when switching to HTTPS.
So, in addition to providing secure website traffic, HTTPs are mandatory for a website to get better Google rankings. 
If you still do not really understand the above explanation you can read it here: The Importance of SSL Certification (HTTPS) for your Web .

Content Length

Google is more interested in long content. Pages that have more long content have a high chance of getting into the top rank.
But in addition to long content, you also need to make sure that the content has relevant content in having important points that users search for in those keywords.
The easiest thing for you to do is analyze what your competitors are doing and develop a content-writing strategy based on the analysis.


In the last few years, you will not get high rankings simply by including many keywords in the title, meta tags, and content in the content.
The Google algorithm has become smarter and context-focused than by the number of keywords in Heading 1 and meta tags.
Therefore, it's better not to include too many keywords in the title tag, title, and meta tags. Because Google can categorize your content as 'word spam'.
It also means that keyword-based hyperlinks (Anchor Text) are not so important these days. Google has understood that natural backlinks will not have the same text or links over and over again. Also Google will identify this as spam.
Some website website Guest Blogging even now no longer allow users to include a link on its posting page.
So start to create content that focuses on the keywords only but has meaning to the readers and try to think that you are providing information to humans, not to robots.

Website Traffic

Traffic or what we often call traffic , on a website has always been a major ranking factor. Make sure that your effort to get more of this traffic does not result in a high bounce rate. Read More what a bounce rate is.
Due to the high bounce rate indicates that your page is irrelevant to what search engine users are looking for .

You need to set your goal to get a high number of session (access) pages. The high number of direct access is correlated to the ranking where you are placed by search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

Website Load Time Speed ​​(Loading Time)

You only have three seconds to attract visitors to your website, because if loading time your website more than 3 seconds then your visitors will go and look for other available web alternatives.
Of course this will boost your bounce rate which can lead to a decrease in rankings on your website.
So make your website light, remove third-party plugins or javascript if you do not use it, optimize the images you use to be more efficient, use a fast hosting provider, and keep your CMS update up to date.

Social Branding

According to Google, many advantages of social branding   that can be obtained through involvement in social media your business.
The number of likes on Facebook or the number of followers on your Twitter can also be a good ranking factor for your website.
Even your social media profile can be seen in your business knowledge graph  if there are a number of people who attach your business profile.
So, try to branding on social media platforms, use all available resources. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, G + can be a good prefix for your business.

Reset Title, Meta Tags, and Content Content

Maybe you have some content on your article or web page that is no longer relevant anymore.
All you need to do now is find the content and start making the necessary changes to make the page relevant.
Experiment with some changes to titles and meta tags on your web. Thus, you will have a new chance to make your pages re-indexed by Google and get a better ranking on the SERPs (Search Engine Results page).

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