
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

7 Content Marketing Predictions in 2018

You must be familiar with content marketing as one of the online marketing strategy In the year 2017, content marketing has become increasingly popular and there is no sign that content marketing will stop here.
According to a study conducted among 500 companies, 76% said they would become increasingly focused in content marketing in 2018.
So far, there are many predictable trends in content marketing. Anything about?
7 Content Marketing Predictions in 2018

Content Marketing Trends in the Year 2018

The closer we get to the end of the year, there are two things we can say for sure for 2018:
  • Content marketing will become even more important
  • The creation and distribution of content will change radically
There is a reason why Seth Godin calls content marketing the only remaining marketing. This type of marketing is indeed authentic, useful, and very appropriate for the internet generation.
While not many people doubt the effectiveness of content marketing, it should be noted that the channels, tactics and marketing tools used to create and distribute content will continue to grow in 2018 and beyond.
What content marketing trends should you look for? How should you change your marketing strategy to keep up with these changes?
  • Type of Content Becomes Increasingly Varied

In recent years, marketers are increasingly aware that the most important thing in content marketing is quality and not quantity. Already many marketers who stop doing content churning or release content constantly regardless of quality.
In addition, in the present day, more and more content formats should be utilized in your content marketing strategy. Just having a writer in your content marketing team is not enough. You need more talent so you can create content that varies and attracts the attention of the audience. Currently content marketing is not just blogs only.
You need to customize the content for different audience groups and adapt it using the format that the audience groups use.
Some of the capabilities your content team should have are:
  • Video production
  • Graphic design
  • Audio production
  • Content optimization for various platforms
  • Content distribution and promotion
  • Development, execution, and content strategy management
  • Communication and branding
  • Advertising and media buying
  • Analytics
In addition, based on data from the Content Marketing Institute, B2B marketers have used various platforms and channels to perform their content marketing.
  • Personalize Content Marketing

Personalization is key in customer experience.
Just imagine, you visit the landing page and enter your name and email to download e-books about social media marketing . The next time you visit the same site, you will be greeted by name. Not only that, you are also shown more eBooks related to social media marketing.
This can be considered a digital maitre in your favorite hotel that greets you by name and leads you to your favorite desk - it's personal and personal.

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