
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Tips to Make Mobile Battery Charging Faster

Although today many mobile phone manufacturers offer great battery features and fast charging, but still will quickly run out of battery (lowbat) if used continuously. Even events like this can happen two to three times a day, especially when used to play games or watch YouTube all day. 

It basically all depends on the capacity of the phone battery. The larger the battery capacity, the more durable it consumes. Conversely, the smaller the battery capacity, the more often the lowbat.

The cause of the battery is often low battery not because of the age of the battery that is 'old', but also because the use of mobile phones that are not controlled. When we are in an activity, of course we do not have much time to recharge the battery. This is because the charging process usually takes a long time, even if the phone supports fast charging feature. For that, we should pay attention to some things in recharging your cell phone battery.

1. Charge in battery condition 30%

Preferably, do not charge your phone in 0% condition. Charge your phone in a 50% state or at least 30%. Because recharge the battery in 0% condition can slow the process of charge even can shorten the life of your phone battery. 

2. Use original charger

Each mobile phone vendor, of course, has calculated how much voltage and current flow that fit for the device. Therefore, you should always use the original charger when charging your phone battery. In addition to faster, the use of the original charger also makes the battery more durable. 

3. Enable Airplane Mode

Turn on airplane mode on your phone when you want to charge. Thus, all networks will be disconnected. This can speed up battery recharging because battery consumption is not so widely used when all kinds of connections are inactive. 

4. Install Application Support

Illustration.  Photos: Internet

To speed up the process of charging your phone battery, use also supporting applications such as fast charging. This application can make charging faster up to 20 percent to 40 percent depending on the phone used. 

5. Remove the Mobile Protector Case

This is indeed much ruled out because it is considered to have no effect whatsoever. However, the use of a mobile protective case can increase the temperature of the phone to be hotter and slow down your phone battery charging.

6. Turn off Auto-Update Features Auto-update

feature occurs especially when the phone is connected wi-fi connection, especially for applications even in stand-by mode. Turn off auto-update feature on phone settings to speed up battery charging. 

7. Disable Smartphone

This is the most powerful way of speeding up your phone battery charging, switch off. This step can speed up the process and extend the life of your phone battery. This method is the same as activating airplane mode but is much more effective and guaranteed to make recharging faster. This is because the battery does not remove power at all during the process of charge.

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